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-After class-

Cherry: in head where is she?

Takyam: -Yells softly- Cherry?

Cherry: Over here!  Waves towards Takyam

Takyam: There! -Yells- HIIII!!

Cherry: HELLO!!,

Takyam: Takyam's POV: Maybe she waiting in the lunch room for me already!

Cherry: Over here!

Takyam: -Runs to Cherry-

Cherry: Sit pats seat next to her

Takyam: -Sits next to cherry-

Cherry: Are you okay? You sound very VERY out of breath!

Takyam: -says dizzly - Oh me? No no! eat your lunch im fine heh.

Takyam: -Takes Azmua Pill- Ugh I feel much better now

Takyam: -While Breathing Uncontrolable- Hi!

Cherry: Hi! U seem out of breath!

Takyam: Yeah! -Slams head on Lunch table-

Takyam: Oh god. Im tired as hell - Starts Laughing-

Cherry: laughs with her Well i mean- you kinda did run over here!

Takyam: Yep! silly me.

Cherry: Yeah-  but pretty soon you’ll be fine,

Takyam: So! Did your class do anything crazy today? -BRB I NEED THE BATHROOM SO BAD RN-

Cherry: Nah nothing rlly exiting, just normal things after i introduced myself -Lmao go ahead-