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I really don't like Xer's Love Potion scene because it's wildly counter-intuitive. Every other love potion scene for every other character has you trick them into drinking it, at which point they become extremely horny and you have sex, with the player being in control the whole time. At the end of the scene your reputation with them drops because you did basically rape them. 

Xer's Love potion scene, by contrast, has him tricking you into drinking it, leading to a submission scene and even your reputation with him going up! A player that doesn't want to be a rapist (but still wants the submissive scenes and to make Xer like them more) has no way of knowing that this will happen, so they'll miss out on what is a pretty damn hot scene because they didn't want Xer to like them less.

It would be better if the love potion option was something like "Talk about Love Potion," which then gave the player the option of either trying to trick him (which leads to the scene as it is, with him turning the tables on you) or just bringing up the subject as a "Hey, it might be fun to try this" sort of thing (which leads to a slight variation of the basic scene where he just tells you to drink the potion straight away).


Looking in another direction, Xer doesn't have much of a relationship with the player yet, and if he chooses out of respect for his feelings, it might be more correct not to drink the potion and not to have sex.


In my opinion, the love potions branch option is just to satisfy another part of the player's needs, like... umm... Logan's bottom line?


oh whos Xer? I dont think I've met him yet, how do you unlock him if you dont mind me asking

Lizard man. You can encounter him in the underground corrupted temple after you get the lizard tribe's good ending. After the first encounter he'll tell you where to find his hideout so you can talk to him more.