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(2 edits)

Yeah the daggers are not guaranteed. I think there’s a 1 in 100 chance for a tile to spawn a dagger or something, and they’re only placed after walls and enemies when there are not that many empty tiles left.

The multi-tile enemies were a headscratcher, but someone helped me find a really elegant solution for it: They’re super fun. I still kinda wanna make something grid-based like this with, like, a 5 by 5 beast. Incidentally, although I did put it in an older version of the code, I don’t think the version I uploaded here has this pathfinding solution in it and the creatures just move around randomly because I fell victim to another rookie trope: I rewrote my entire engine from scratch at some point, and never got around to reimplementing pathfinding and goal driven behaviour.

I still feel drawn to creating a fun roguelike, although I would love to aim for something really compact in the style of Michael Brough (Hoarder was another attempt) and coding all this up was super useful in both learning how it could work and also taught me what a humongous effort it could be when overscoped.