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Alright, now that I figured out my platforming problem and finally finished the demo, I will give my thoughts.

I'm a fan of the art design, and I think it's cool the main character is an armadillo. Not a typical protag choice.

I get Dust: An Elysian Tail vibes from the gameplay and platforming. Which is good because I personally love that game. If only I could frack people for health in it too.

I experienced some frame drops, but that could just be due to my particular set up being donkey balls.

Now the enemies: Slimes were simple, they basically became my potions if I was hurting. The Lizard archers were my scariest enemy because of their range, mobility, and my dumb frame drops. I was scared of them more than the giant horse dude and he could hit like a truck.

All in all, I'm looking forward to what comes next. Pun not intended.