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I found a handful of technical issues:

1) Attempting to set a key preference is not working.  It will (very) briefly register the selected key and show the "Done" and "Reset to Defaults" buttons but then immediately blank out the selection.  The program has to be closed to get out of that state.

2) Clicking the "Reset to Default" button without any changes alters the default keys.  I'd guess that the default that it's restoring is from a different stage of development than the one that it pre-populates on loading the game. 

3) The overlay for confirming that you want to start a new game in a save slot is mostly transparent, which makes it hard to read when it overlays the save-slot screen.

4) Switching between Windowed and Full-Screen mode in either direction causes my monitor to blank out a couple of times in a row.  That might be a problem with my old desktop and not the build itself.

5) Quitting to the title never seems to save the game quite where I left off.  For example, I did it right after installing two new air recyclers after getting the warp drive and when I logged back into that save file the recyclers were back on my cargo pad.  It seems like there should be a Save Game option on the same menu with Quit to Title and Quit to Desktop. 

Leaving aside the technical issues, the Bank Left and Bank Right controls in the travel minigame remind me a bit of your own criticism of the gravity switching controls in Gravity Rush, in that they could be 100% more efficient.   Up or down to select which way to bank, and then a different key to actually bank.  I also learned really quickly not to trust the auto-pilot, I could never seem to get back to the controls fast enough when it warned me asteroids were in-bound.  

None of that stopped me from playing for several hours straight, so bravo on nailing the core gameplay loop.