Read til the end please
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
But no flower in this world
Is as beautiful as you
Hope that made you smile
Even just for a while
All I want is to make you happy
Cause you're just as sweet as candy
Please don't be sad
Or I won't be glad
let me see your smile
Let me hear your laugh
I know it's grey right now
But just don't frown
Cause right out the window
It's the ice cream man
He serves you ice cream
And he makes you smile
He tells you that
He wants to talk for a while
The ice cream man's me
And he says he wants you to be happy.
Grey is sad
And so is black
But the ice cream truck you see
Is white, front and back
White is pure
White is happy
The ice cream man says
you're like a bowl of candy
Sweet and sugary and loved by all
And worth the world plus a thousand diamonds overall (to me)
Thanks for reading. I hope this makes you happy. Merry Christmas and Happy almost New Year!