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time for poetry!

roses are red 

violets are blue

I saw a pretty person in this chat

wait that is you!

you make me smile

but just for a while

but then I change and go back to being grey...

(2 edits)

Read til the end please

Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

But no flower in this world

Is as beautiful as you

Hope that made you smile

Even just for a while

All I want is to make you happy

Cause you're just as sweet as candy

Please don't be sad

Or I won't be glad

let me see your smile

Let me hear your laugh

I know it's grey right now

But just don't frown

Cause right out the window

It's the ice cream man

He serves you ice cream

And he makes you smile

He tells you that

He wants to talk for a while

The ice cream man's me

And he says he wants you to be happy.

Grey is sad

And so is black

But the ice cream truck you see

Is white, front and back

White is pure

White is happy

The ice cream man says 

you're like a bowl of candy

Sweet and sugary and loved by all

And worth the world plus a thousand diamonds overall (to me)

Thanks for reading. I hope this makes you happy. Merry Christmas and Happy almost New Year!

aww sweet

this made me smile even more!

I'm happy it made you smile! If you ever need to be cheered up I'm here for you love <3

thanks lad ☺️

Anytime! Think of me as your therapist who knows nothing about therapy!

lol, I might need some

Well I'm her to help! Anxiety TO THE RESCUE! Although anxiety is't really a good thing but... It's my name what else am I supposed to say?


mabey a nickname like anx or something 

welp anxiety to the rescue then

hmmm. How about. Queen UwU. I need to stop OwO. Queen cause it was my og name (DaQueenOfYou) :>

Merry Christmas to you to and this made me so happy!

Anytime you need to be happy! Tell me! I'd gladly cheer u up!

:) I smiled! Thx closet buddy!