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(1 edit)

Very cool stuff. Thank you for your work Qaz! Edit: I'm a bit confused by the Config thing, i assume you mean either a .txt file or a regular file with no extension with the accuracy=2 but when launching and going into offline mode the whole app crashes, not sure if it's just me missing something or not

The config file should not cause any crashes no matter what it contains. The filename it's looking for is just "config" without an extension or the quotes. I recently added support for pen pressure and that requires the files "libjpen-2-3.jnilib" and "jpen-2-3-64.dll" that should be included in the zip to be in the same folder as the .jar file or it might crash. I'll look into this later.

I've solved the issue, was just me and my computer - something was interfering with something and a quick Restart solved it all