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I read the whole sentence but word it better bc you made it seem like it was a bad thing gosh ;-; plus I was not talking shit I was making a point.

.-. wtf u mean word it better you go ahead and word it better  

don't tell someone with possible dyslexia to word smthg better.

then dont tell me to word something better

if you can't do it then what makes u think u have the right to tell me to do it better

(1 edit)

I'm sorry... what? I don't think you realise how rude that is. Do you have dyslexia? Unless you have it then I'm sorry but saying that is extremely rude. I have a mental illness. It's not my fault I can't use english properly. I am telling you to word it better bc this could be a problem when talking to someone or texting someone.  I however have an illness and need to work harder than most just to be able to read and write. It takes me more time to write and read than other people. And it takes more time to learn these skills. But normal people should learn this faster. If I make any mistakes in my writing I tell people that I have dyslexia but you can't do that if you don't have it so it's better to take more advice on how to english (yes I just said it like that) So you don't get accused of a mental illness you don't have. It's very difficult to live with a mental illness so to be accused of having something you don't that could change a life completely is just not right and I don't want that to happen so I give more advice to people on how to english (If I know the proper way but most times I don't) I just don't want you to be accused of having dyslexia. I mean if that offended you then sorry but what you said just now was rude.

u said its a possibility if. u .do .not. know .that. u. have. it. do. NOT use it as an excuse its  rude to the people who have it fr

Well I'm sorry to them then. 

....YOU DONT EVEN KNOW IF U HAVE IT and im glad your sorry. 

I KNOW but look. Even the possibility of having it is very hard ok. I bet being sure that you have it is harder and I'm scared to find out ;-;

well you dont seem scared to announce it to a plenty of people you dont even know

I am not scared to say I might have it but I'm scared to find out if I have it.


wait so your not scared that u could get made fun of for saying that u MIGHT have something or offending other people  who have it fr or you telling people and  you end up  not having it and then you look like a attention seeker that will also piss of people who have it but your only concern is you  finding out..  the only people you should be telling about you MIGHT having that is your doc and your fam cus thats like a big deal and dont even try and use it as an excuse cus that shit pisses me of because you're saying your scared but your quick to use it as a defence  people who are scared of something dont go ahead and run to the thing there scared of thats like saying ohh i'm scared of this shark and i go and swim up to it so before you try to make me seem uneducated you should watch what u say