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Thank you very much for the fast reply! I wasn't clear with my question: do I need to buy the game again if I want to updated version too? I bought the second episode only without a bundle, and I'm angry at myself why didn't I waited more, but when I saw that there is a new episode I bought it right now. I plan to do it in the future too, I really want to support this great game, and as I said your writing is awesome :)

Episode 2 was okay, it didn't skipped, just the first one. Thank you for recommending the backlog too!

Thank you very much again, if I'll be finished with all the holiday stuff I'll visit you there, I hope I won't bother you :)


All update are free, you just redownload it. If you can't, go back to your library on and look for episode 2 in it.

Thank you so much, I checked the library and downloading the new version now!