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It's really cool, the rolling feels good to use, but it also feels a little unresponsive. Like there's some weird end lag for some reason and it trips me up. The framerate, I feel, is also a little wonky, though, for what reason, I can't put my finger on it. I'm aware that this was made for a game jam, and it's a very good, polished-looking game jam game, but those two things are problems that might be worth addressing. Otherwise, it's a very fun, fast-paced arcade beat-'em-up that I'd highly recommend to most anyone if you're bored.

I was in the middle of my day when I got an email from HAM and he sent me the link to this game. So I tried it out and on my first try, I got tripped up by the fact that I had a limited space to work with.  But on the second try, I really got the hang of it! I especially love the fact that I am able to roll through enemies. I also love the arcade-style feel that this has to it.