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I absolutely love this game! It's so realistic and inclusive! It deals with a lot of social issues very well. I don't think I know any people in any game or even people in real life with lesbian parents, but I really felt comfortable with them because they were just honestly wonderful parents who loved my character for who she was. I also found the parts about learning about my character's biological parents and Cove's parent's divorce to be very well executed. I absolutely loved how I got to customize my character and Cove. It was a bit sad that I couldn't get any CGs with my character in it, but it's completely understandable since I could basically make my character look however I want her to so it'd probably cost a large fortune to draw all of the potential CGs. I felt Cove was so personal to me and I absolutely loved him. There were so many choices and I felt like my choices really mattered and my choices were even referenced later on in the game, which I thought was AWESOME because I don't think many games really do that. Even if I felt I made a  choice I didn't like, or I wanted to see what the other choices would do, I could always just scroll back and my choices would just undo, and I thought that was super neat. There were just so many choices that I could make and the game never made me feel like I made the "wrong" choice, like in most otome games. I was just me, and as long as I loved Cove, he'd like me back. This made me feel super relaxed because I won't ever feel like that to get the best out of the game, I would need a walkthrough or anything. I love the art and the setting of the story too. It was so cute! I loved how all the characters looked and I thought they were absolutely gorgeous. There were so many drawn characters, even ones that weren't really that relevant, but I thought it was really nice because it made me feel more immersed in the world and the world just felt real to me. In real life, not everyone you meet will stick with you for life, and not everyone who made an impression on you will absolutely be important to you, and I felt like the game reflected on that fact. The minor characters weren't useless clutter, they were people that I got to know and love, even if only just for a short while. I love how the original story is free but you have to pay for extra DLC. This way, I'd only have to pay after I knew I was totally going to enjoy the game, which I did! I would totally recommend this to anyone because everything about this game was awesome. The characters and settings all felt so real and the art and music made it so immersive. The game was also really inclusive to everyone, and I'm really glad I was able to play this game, so thanks to the developers!