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Hi all, I am excited to say that I have uploaded a vertical slice for Exilium! It isn't perfect as it was a rough week and there was a tonne of work to do to get it to the standard of a demo, but I believe that the game is in a good state right now. 

For those of you who have played the previous builds you will immediately notice large changes, most notably art and sound assets! Although a lot of the assets are placeholder right now, it is a little representation of how Exilium may be when it's finished. I hope that development continues to be as fun and as successful as it has been so far. I am excited to see what Exilium can be and honestly a little nervous as I want Exilium to be a game that many will play and enjoy.

The art style is a little different from what I originally imagined, but I believe that it suits the game in a way, although I admit that I could do a much better job. I'm interested in how the art style may progress over the course of development. I am not an artist, but I want Exilium to look and feel good.

I believe the sound effects and style could do with a bit of work as they are fairly rough around the edges right now, but for a first try at making and implementing a lot of my own sounds I don't think it's a bad effort.

There were a lot of things I had to cut for the vertical slice as there was simply too much that I wanted to implement. One of the things I cut just for the vertical slice was updating the equipment models and adding a new piece of equipment. I figured that getting the art style and some sound effects in the game along with making sure all the mechanics were bug-free and working.

The newest build is available on the games page at:

If you're interested in seeing what Exilium could be, feel free to give a try and send me some feedback on what you think works/doesn't work, and any bugs you may encounter.

It has been an interesting year for the development, I believe I may take a little break from working on the game to focus on upcoming college assignments. I will try to keep this devlog updated whenever I begin working again or if I have anything cool I want to share.

That is all for now. I hope you all enjoy Exilium and have a happy holidays!