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The final Scrapship demo of 2020 has arrived!

(No, this is not the final Scrapship demo. Still much work to be done in 2021. Hey, that rhymes!)

This time around it is available for both Windows and Mac OS.

What's in store for 2021?

My goal is to completely finish Scrapship. The only thing that might delay this is if my regular job has me travel too much away from my gamedev computers.

Views and downloads have tapered off significantly -- which I'm honestly not surprised about. Top-down space shooters are an over-saturated game genre and hard to generate interest in. Frankly, I consider myself blessed to have had any downloads at all. I also suspect that some might be suffering from what I would call "Demo fatigue". Unless there are major updates, there isn't much point in playing every single demo release.

So with that being said, I'm going to try a slightly different strategy in how I work on Scrapship:

Instead of holding myself to a somewhat arbitrary goal of one demo a month, I'll only update the game when significant progress has been made.

I will still do the weekly Devlogs you are reading here to show that I'm still active.

And of course you can follow me on Instagram for my progress in Scrapship and other game dev projects I have going on in Unreal and Blender.

As this is my last Devlog entry for the year, I'd like to finish off by sharing a screenshot from the very first Demo back in February . . .

. . . and this screenshot from the latest demo in December . . .

Lots of progress has been made and I look forward to sharing the final result with you next year!
Thanks for reading and Happy Holidays!