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problems with yalls suggestions V3!

new stuff is bolded.

1. crewmate mode

this is the most suggested one. the problem with this is pretty apparent. say your a crewmate, and you die. what now, its gonna be boring as hell. also for crewmate mode you would have to implement voting, emergency meetings, new ui icons, a task system of some sort, and make a bot imposter work out. asking for crewmate mode is more like asking for major update that everybody can expect to be the last update for a few days or so.

heres the deal with crewmate mode.

if klopity were to implement crewmate mode without adding all those things he would probably go about it like this:

you are the only crewmate and you have to survive a certain amount of time until you die. once you die you lose. or it could be you trying to do your tasks as fast as possible before the imposter finds you. but if you really want more reasons why then just think about it. 

2. two imposters

the problem with having two imposters is that it would be too easy, and... the ai would sometimes do things you don't want them to do. PLUS if crewmate mode is ever a thing then this would conflict even more.

3. more sabotages

sabotages like o2 would have the exact same reaction as reactor, its just two different spots. comms would be interesting I must admit, maybe getting to vent without getting meeting... oh wait that's what all the other sabotages do anyway. comms would be useless. the only thing that sabotages could be used for is the doors.  

if you want sabotages, then the only thing you should expect is doors. comms would do everything all the other sabotages do. the only tiny little thing comms could do, is stop tasks from going up for 10 seconds tops

4. online

this should be pretty obvious.  however some people don't know that when you type in among us single player, your getting signal player so ill just explain. klopity will never make a update for online play, at least the way you expect it to be.  klopity is a small indie developer probably doing this for fun but still taking the responsibility's pretty seriously. if intersloth were ever to search up among us and find this game they would be a little mad until they played it to find out its single player. if there was the online in the way you guys want it to be, intersloth would either file a lawsuit against klopity (i don't know klopitys economic situation but I'm pretty sure he will take a beating from intersloth) or take the game down.

5. voting

the only way i could see this working out is in crewmate mode. i would expect it to work like this: as a crewmate whoever you vote, all the bots vote that person. as imposter it would just be a waste of time, and kind of lame. due to the ai in the game currently, there would probably be no chatting during voting sessions. the voting session would most likely go like this. someone reports a body. a timer in the bottom right counts to ten. once the timer hits ten then the ejection screen will show up. either a random person or nobody at all will get ejected.

my opinion is still strong on not adding voting. 

the only way voting could be added is by making every other crewmate bot vote whoever you vote. but as imposter it would just be the same thing we already have but with some fancy ui

i should be doing homework, but this is more important

hahaha same