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Hi all. Exilium is progressing slowly but surely. After a round of playtesting yesterday, I have compiled the feedback and am adding a lot of necessary changes to the game. I have added a new build which I would love for anyone interested to play and give some feedback on. It can be surprising how much extra feedback you get as a developer after only adding 1 or 2 minor changes, but feedback is a huge thing for me while developing Exilium, especially because I am a solo dev.

A big milestone is approaching for development. On the 20th, I aim to have a vertical slice of Exilium ready for download and playing. There is an immense amount of work to be done on the game to bring it up to the standard I am looking for before then. It can be a struggle at times, but I have no doubt that Exilium has the potential to be a great game. 

A new mechanic has also made its way into the game recently, and I think it was a very much needed feature. The enemy AI seems a little too strong at times right now. I have begun implementing various "hideable areas" around the current level to test out potential ways out alluding the ghost easier. The ghost will be receiving heavy changes soon, hopefully in time for the build on the 20th. These changes will hopefully make the ghost and the overall gameplay loop feel better and scarier. 

Art and sound assets will hopefully be added for the 20th, although with the number of mechanical changes I want to work on, art and sound may suffer, unfortunately. I would rather the gameplay feel good and have everything come together before I worry about getting into art or sound.

That is all for now, I hope the build on the 20th will pique your interest and encourage you to follow me on this development journey. Thank you for reading.