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I've just uploaded a new version that should fix the mouse position issue. Let me know if you're still having it!

Also, if you hold M/N it will change the cursor sensitivity.

As soon as I finished this, I realized that you could potentially be talking about the mouse look sensitivity 😅
I'll upload a version later today that has some control for that as well.

Hi! Thanks for the responses, I just had a chance to test it out on my end. The good news is that I'm able to close books now, and the less good is that even with the sensitivity all the way down to nothing I had to move very carefully to get my cursor to go where I wanted. As before, this could just be an entirely me-centric issue, so if all seems well with you and any other players I'd default to that assumption! It's also lagging a lot for me today, but my computer isn't the most powerful thing so it may just be having a hissy fit at the moment lol. The look sensitivity however has been fine actually, so I guess that's pretty good as well.