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let's start with the review of the level balancing.

First level was a fine as a intro level.  Didn't have any issues going through it. Enemies were placed into tricky corners but enough medkits and ammo did help me a lot going through the level.

Second level was a worse. I exited the first level with somewhere around 30%-40% so I didn't have a good setup. I assume that this level is somewhat fine if you'll have enough health & find the 3rd weapon early. My issue stems from low count of medkits. There was a medkit per room, but with such a high number of hitscanners have made me to repeat this level at least 10 times. Again I mention, that I had 30%-40% health when starting this level.

Third level was a nice. Enough ammo, resources and 3rd weapon availabilty did make this level very enjoyable to go through. Though it was on the shorter side.

There's not a big catalog of enemies, but it was nice to have 2 main enemy types that compliment each other.
Graphics are, for the engine used, very nice. I've seen & played many other games using this engine without a proper work that would make those games enjoyable. It's nice surprise to see that somebody made a game in this engine and made it enjoyable to play.
I found this to be nice 7dfps game.
Keep it up, Lib.