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(1 edit) (-1)

my class is gagging because we are learning about abusive relationships

why are they teaching us about the you know the sex stuff, my innocent ears cant handle this, give me some bleach to get rid of it 


*yeets bleach*

thanks lad

yw mate, use it wisely xd

i shall XD


OOf Im on a 3 hour delay...

how? its not even snowing welll where I'm from

Fog Delay WHICH is Rare...

woah I have never heard of dat

are they talking about rape if so i hope the boys are in a diff class or its gon be really awkward 

idk, when we learned about it all the boys did was laugh, they are so immature



nope we are not talking about rape  just predictors, if it was that i would be gagging real hard and possibly loss interest in men, 
