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Me: *sees everyone introducing themselves and gets nervous* Guess I'll do it too?

+ The3rdTheaterKid is my acc name for almost everything lol, but you guys can just call me Georgia. Before you ask, no I was not born there and have no association with the country or state. That sounds way more harsh than it meant to ;-;

+I turned 14 recently and that

+Going with cis pronouns, she/her, though that might change once I find a solid gender label I identify with. 

+8th grader with a degree in being the mom friend and a phd in being the therapist friend

+I'm polysexual with a preference for girls to the point where I'm questioning if I'm lesbian-

+I love doggos and otters and frogs, but my chinese zodiac is a pig. I'm a Sag and a little stupid so bear with me

+(Generally) My personality is prolly the equivalent of that of a dog

+I have bipolar depression, bulimia, and GAD

+Favorite color is green or yellow

+Love musical theater, theater, reading, anime, volleyball, art (even though I suck at it), and sweaters

Welp, I guess that's all, folks.


(1 edit)

nice what does cis mean tho and GAD

Cisgendered, meaning they use the pronouns they were assigned at birth (am i right)

ohh mk cool

You're right about Cis.  GAD is generalized anxiety disorder