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ill introduce myself too if

grade: 7th

favorite animal: wolf

spirit animal: wolf

zodiac sign: Gemini

hates: peanut butter, milk, cheese, brussels sprouts, also homophobic people, clowns.

likes: ice cream, cotton candy, anything sweet, rainbows, and anime, music

during my free time i draw and or cosplay or watch anime lol.

sexuality: lesbian/gay

pronouns: she/they

favorite colors: black and blue

i have social anxiety, separation anxiety

phobias: Thalassophobia, Achluophobia, Aphenphosmphobia, autophobia, Claustrophobia, Glossophobia, tryphobia, i have alot of phobias lmao

were u diagnosed by a doctor for all those phobias

i dont think you need to be diagnosed to have phobias, they are just natural

i actually have a few phobias, five of them

...i mean if your not diagnosed then your just scared of it i wouldn't call it a phobia tho im not trying to be rude i just dont want u to think u have all those phobias  when that might not be true.

oooh, i understand


no i literally have a phobia of these things



yea u dont need dignosed

no cause u dont need to be diagnosed


ok?, well if we are from different parts of this world, rules are probbally differeent in each state, where im from u dont ever need to be diagnosed for a phobia

ye that make sense

yea- its okay tho

whats ok?

idk lol

mhm lol k