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so because yall been doing intros imma do mine so my fav color black (i'm not emo or sum it just goes with everything)and purple and my name is nya i am a virgo and um im a foodie i like fashion   and i do dance and imma do track when this thing is over ye im bi i go by she/her and um dont make me mad lol😜i love u guys .(oh and i forgot to add that im single hehehe very single lmao let me stop lol)

cool! mate, i was thinking about introducing myself, pawzy has alot of hidden things

really cool my name means cat in japanese if u look it up u will see a bunch of cat girls wby

i rather not share my name but ill share my mildle name, its Alanna 

oh mk cool but what does pawzy mean


the full name of my user is pawzuki, its kinda a special name to me, it represents my kindness and loyalty, i shorten it because it would be a bit easer to remember, i also got the name pawzy from a friend, he kinda hurt my mental heath, it was acutully pawsukie but i changed it because of him and i use z and y, and now its pawzy

and thats my backstory of my user 



yay! Im single too i broke up with my irl bf! I think i broke him...on roblox he has been playing killing games and rlly depressing games he used to play shit like adopt me and stuff but yeah and he hasnt talked to me since he usally messages me on roblox and he hasnt so either i broke him or i made him hate me or.........

Hes mentally and physically broken into a thousand pieces with his heart in a million pieces...

oof i thought u said u were a lesbian 


I am just it took me a few days to get the courage to break up with him me and him were together for a few months when i was into boys but i just like girl better now UvU

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mk well sorry about that but u do know he has the right to be upset you did not do anything wrong tho its just that he likes u so just be patient and maybe try and explain to him why and let him know u still want to be friends but dont be pushy