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Hullo everyone! So i just discovered this little comunnity in the comments section, and uuuuh yea can i join???? (that's my avatar btw):

-Call me Bonnie 

-I'm non-binary (she/them) and pansexual

-I'm brazillian :)


-I love music, video games, anime, books, and horror stuff like ARG's 

-My favourite artists are Melanie Martinez, Jazmin Bean, Reol, any Vocaloid thb, Jack Stauber, and Joji 

-My favourite animes are JoJo's, Danganronpa, Sailor Moon, BNHA, and Demon Slayer

absolutely stranger

thank you stranger!

Your welcome stranger

ohhh your brazillian

sou sim kkkkkk

? huh

:0 wow you'r like my twin 

maybe we really are O_O

lmao yeah

(1 edit)

of coruse mate!

we have the same music liking, what is your favorite song from melanie martinez?

ohhh i love melanie

Aaaah it's hard to choose just one, but i think Recess is my favourite at the moment.