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The character art and especially the health heart art were fabulous. I died a lot. Like a lot. I wish the death screen would just auto-restart the player so I didn't have to keep reaching over to my mouse to push "restart". That's pretty minor though.

The platforming was REALLY hard. I don't know if that was on purpose, but a little softballing at the beginning would certainly have helped me out. I kept mistiming my jumps and dying. A lot.

Still, very cool. I liked the little astronaut dude, and the music was GREAT. Definitely kept me engaged even as I died. Nice game!

Thank you for playing and for the feedback! :D

The game was made to be difficult, given the small amount of levels, so dying a lot was expected xD We had to rush to submit the game by the deadline, so we didn’t really tweak the darkness speed as much as we should’ve.