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Hey Mehrdad, I gave the game a try, I finished the levels, first of all I think it's generally a cool concept. However I have some points on it.

First of all, at first I thought I have to memorize the patterns by listening and try to play them by memory, It was after losing a few times that I noticed the pattern has a visual help, at first they just existed to look pretty.

I guess it was a problem of what I was expecting and what it was. Following the patterns on the cue wasn't that fun for me, I felt if it was memorizing thing it could have been more challenging at fun for me. But the reason I kept losing was that level 3 was really difficult to memorize for me.

I feel if the game was to rely on a skill, it should have been understanding nad memorizing the beats. althought there are lots of game like that.

I do like the persian pattern and theme of it. I feel it requires more to pull me in though.

Thank you ariya  for your detailed Feedback