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(1 edit)

Since people are coming back im introducing myself AGAIN >:D

(Ive had like an unholy amount of character development so stay with me here)

-HI my name is river/sunflower/arson(yees i have 3 names) i usually go by river tho-

-im a demiboy (yes im a demiboy now. Ik i said i was transmasc like last week but like not anymore) and im a lesbian 

I went from a she/her straight bitch to a he/they/it bi curious lesbian in less than 3 months :,D 

-i really like cartoons, Youtubers, video games, Youtubers who PLAY video games, and YouTube animations and oddities like dhmis, salad fingers, bfb and others i don't remember 

- I've newly discovered i have pretty bad anxiety and am lowkey depressed (But im seeing someone abt it so s'all good) AND and and and i have adhd so you know fun times

- I've been out of an aboosive friendship since April and I've honestly never been happier 

Lets just ignore that i had an argument with her last week that ended in my bawling my eyes out while roasting her pants off 

AnD ThAtS AlL YoU gEt To KnOw

OOH and i used to be katsuu/kat(aha deadname)

One of my OCs looks  similar to this....NoiCe SeNsE oF StYlE  

Your oc has very good taste


ayo what if i flushed emoji drew you


I would love that 

i actually got good at drawing so 10/10 very poggers

are u ok?

ye why'd you ask?

because u said u were in a abusive friendship 

oh yeh im fine

I hate her guts and am planning on tearing down her cosplay fanbase with screenshots when she gets big because she deserves to know what its like to have everything you love ripped away from her by someone she thought she could trust

But s'all good

oh mk lol if u ever need to talk about it (i like revenge to it fun lol)