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Oc challenge! 

Skin: Your zodiac color (green for Virgo)

Hair:A mix of the actual color and another one(long if ur tall short if not)

Facial expression: The opposite of what you have been feeling so far this week

Cloths: The color of your keyboard(or something else)(style school~ish if you watch anime and it's ur life, comfy if you have pets/a pet, formal if you are scared of Hisoka the pedo, and anything else if you wash ur hands >:D) 

Extras: Some kind of bandage if you feel really tired, Plants(dead or alive) if you don't like ur classmates or you just HATE homework, horns if you are brave and accommodating, mask if you have never eaten something random, fog if you like to draw, A cut or something weird if you LOVE 2 read,  and uhh ye idk what else

Eyes: based on the color of ur shirt



(the skin doesn't have to be one full color you can make the blush,birthmark,etc the color of ur zodiac)

i would do it but its to many things to remember