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An absolutely heartwrenching game about the passing of ages. It's even great to play if you have any interest in immortals in general, just mentally gloss over the vampire stuff as that's not as important as the idea that all memories turn to dust in the end. Depending on rolls and creativity, you could play a Scottish highlander who gets unceremoniously offed within the first century of his life, an Ancient Egyptian warrior who ultimately leads his kind to rule the world, or a Regency dandy who makes himself mortal in the modern era only to contract the 'Rona. So many ways to play, and all you truly need is the game and something to write with.

If you're still 'um'ing and 'ah'ing about buying it, watch Dicebreaker on Youtube livestream it. They'll show you how to play multiplayer, which is possible with this.

I never thought about using it in a multiplayer session, this is awesome, thanks!