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I enjoyed playing Jury rig, but wasn't quite able to figure out what made the game end, sicne neither the timing nor the points seemed consistent. Is it  a specific number of engins failing?
I think having fewer engines (at least for the beginning) and clearer fail conditions would help this game become a fun acardy game where you have to make quick decisions in some kind of space-invaders like fashion.


Hello PurpleSloth, thanks for commenting our game. Unfortunately, we had some critical issues just before the deadline(I overwrite the project and lost all the progress, and the only updated copy in the team), but yeah we managed to submit a version of the game so I guess it was a good experience for us after all, and try to avoid this in future jams.


Oh no, how frustrating! I'm glad you still had fun and were able to salvage some of the game though =)


The slightly bigger machine is the "core", when that one fails it's game over. 

Thanks for the feedback, like Chris said, unfortunately we lost some progress very shortly before the submission deadline but it's nice to know people enjoy the basic gameplay :)