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ooo sounds cool




pawzy chan shall contiue  Pawzy Pov : i saw that  the had a mark on their hand, it looked familiar..


POV: it looks like a black hole or a ninja star. It's a circile with little doohickeys coming out of it and they are all tilted to a direction. You can't quite remember why it's so familiar.


POV: they  put on a weird ghast mask and pulls out a bottle with a liquid and opens it, you start to feel dizzy and faint


POV: You wake up in an empty room. There is a banner on one of the walls. With the exact same symbol. But where do you know it from?


POV:  you notice  that they put on some collor on you, you try to scream but it wont work,  they  took off there black hood, they have white and black hair

(Curella Devil? XD)

POV: you notice they have their eyes closed and their fists clenched. You wonder what this could mean.

( oop ) 

POV: you try to untie yourself but its not working, he goes  close to you and touches your hand

POV: their eyes are fully white. Maybe they're blind. But why are they touching your hand. What's happening? You try to figuire out. But you just can't seem to.