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hey @pawzy, wanna rap about something, anyone else can join if they want,

-luv Ashley chan

(1 edit) (-1)

oki dokie if you say so, just to let u know this will be about my feelings

...  life has been so mess up lately, feels like ive done bad things so hate me.. love has been a crime in my time, no wonder anyone does not wanna date me.. im frustrated.. yep people act like im deaf.. spreading rumers about things make me feel like a mess, let me forget about things that i rather not remember i feel like my soul is colder the December

there you go ash

my soul is colder than dry ice on a frostbite wound

ohhhhhhhhhhh shit pawzy can rap lmao


can u do it fast in irl

i just started rapping because of my friend ash, she wanted me to tell her how i feel, yes i can  rap fast irl, its kinda fun ngl


lol rumers

my fingers can stutter XD

pawzy,  u need a hug mate, i give u snuggles

im good,  i needed to get that out my system 

Oh dwam closet sleeping buddy- u can rap like its air- 

air went woosh when i rap uwu

XD yesh