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(sorry Had to do chores )

Dawn: true I was in there last. But they could all be imposters just framing me

Marie: interesting.... but how can you explain this? THERE ARE ONLY 2 IMPOSTERS IN THIS SERVER NOT THREE. What's your genius counter for that huh. Plus I cleared red and yellow at med bay when they scanned. You can even confirm you saw us there right before leaving. And I want to say thet you weren't too active in that room and were mostly in one place plus you didn't seem to have a task there. hm.

Dawn: ok....goodbye then

*everyone votes you and you even vote yourself* 

*Dawn was the imposter*

*1 imposter remains*

Marie: ok. Come so you can clear me at asteroids.

gtg sleep. see ya tmrw.

Dawn: And this is why I hate being the imposter 

*sees blue*


(1 edit)

It sucks that anxiety=insomnia for me. It's very hard to sleep man.

(let's say other imp is lime)

Mare: ok. So I've finished most of my tasks and everyone cleared me on asteroids. I'll check cams and look around for bodies.

welp. Good Night.

*Looks at lime*

hmm what are you planing 

Time skip to the next day

Marie: goes into electrical.

*lime and orange enter with her* 

Marie: *sits down and watches them* *screams* IF ORNAGE IS DEAD! IT'S LIME! *leaves and heads to admin*

Lime mind: well now I can't kill him. Thanks a lot cayan.

Marie: *sits in admin and watches the vent like a hawk while acting as if she's doing a task even tho her tasks are done*

Lime: *goes in and "does card swipe"*

Marie: *emergency meeting*

Orange: It's not lime. He had a perfect chance to kill me but didn't.

Marie: wrong! He didn't kill you bc I said if you were dead it would be him! And Lime is infact the imposter!

Lime: what? I was doing my card swipe inoccently?! Why are you accusing me? You even saw me do it?

Marie: hehehe. Card swipe my dear lime. Is a common task. Either everyone gets it or no one does. And you see. Nobody here got card swipe except you. You. Were faking card swipe. You're the imposter.

Lime: wait guys this is a misunderstanding. I swear. I was just joking and trying to see who would buy it hehe. 

Orange: yeah totally. Sorry bro but. This is the end of the line for you lime. hahaha.

(red yellow and pink and blue are dead)

Green:  It. It's really not funny.

Orange: ok you're right it isn't.

White: well. It's time to walk the plank lime. And admit your defeat.

Lime: I'm just gonna vote myself.

*and lime was the imposter*

*0 imposters remain*

*crewmate victory*

Kaya (my Oc for lime) *goes to admin with cyan and brown and kills brown*:  Someone with the stupid chef hat is the imPASTA. Think they're being  reckless bc they're running out of THYME. My worries are not SPIRALI out of control, I just wanted you guys to GNOCHI that cyan killed brown in front of me self reported.

I can rp wit u if u like?