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(1 edit) (+2)

Loved your game! Cool idea to relate the sleepless nights of a GameJam with the theme. Also, good work on making a sim without text. My jims managed to release a game and won a cup (although I thing they died after that, who knows, hahah) There's one thing I didn't understand: My orange Jim picked up the baby, and after that, all the actions I made were for the baby (the orange jim was always with the bars depleted). Anyway, It was very fun to play it. 

Many thanks for the feedback! Indeed, when one of the adult jims takes care of the baby, the benefit of the interactions goes completely for the little one. Meanwhile, that adult can't do anything "productive". There is one exception, though: putting the baby in the cradle frees the adult, who then can take care of its own necessities.

PD: Just for the record, none of the jims has been severely hurt during the jam---they are from a tough species. Although family comfort surely impacts productivity.