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Hi all, it's been a long 2 weeks since my last post. I've come up with a lot of new ideas to share regarding my game. First of all I would like to discuss the art.

I am not a very art focussed person, the majority of my experience being programming. However, I still want my game to look and feel like a horror game. 2 games in particular that I have been thinking about over the past 2 weeks are Hamilton and Granny. I really like they're low res art styles and visuals, and I feel like if I can make something similar work in my game, it will work great.

I am unsure yet which one I will lean towards the most, it will take some time and testing before I come to a decision. However, it is a much needed starting point.

Audio in Exilium will be a heavy focus for me. I really want promote a tense and chilling atmosphere and I believe a heavy emphasis on audio will help me achieve that. A week ago I stumbled upon The Caretaker and his project Everywhere at the end of time. Here is a link to it if you are intereste:
I didn't know what to expect when I first started listening, but I was soon mesmerised by how hauntingly beautiful it was to me. I just thought that I absolutely had to have something like this in my game in some way. It has inspired me to attempt to make something similar myself for both my game and an assignment for my audio module in college. I feel like if I can capture the essence of this music and implement it correctly into my game, it will work wonders for creating a horrifying atmosphere.

There are some more ideas that I have been thinking about but have not yet gotten them to the stage where I wish to share them. I will hopefully be back soon with an update on the game itself (hopefully a new build within the new 2 weeks). That is all for now, Thank you for taking your time to read this post, and stay tuned for more.