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The art update is kinda a mixed bag for me.

I like Johns new design better than his old one. Just in general better his old pose was kinda weird.

Macs new design is pretty much on par with his old design i would say. No real favourite between the two.

David looks good in his new design. But i also liked his old side facing sprite. But both are pretty cute.(hoping that he somehow also becomes a route)

Rask looks fine too his pose is nice i think and his face looks good.

Tom is my least favourite art update. Maybe because i have been obsessing over him since i started to play the game. His new body art is super damn great. But i liked his old face and expressions more. I dunno the way he is drawn now and how you really cant see the other eye as much anymore makes it look less expressive. But i do admit he looks really cute blushing in both versions.

Apart from all that i really enjoyed this update. Like i said Tom is my fav from the very beginning so him getting a story update is awesome.