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Just started playing this game today on my Quest 2 (via. SideQuest) and have tried it in the limited space available in my own bedroom. Really incredible what you've done. I wish I was playing in a space slightly less-crammed- I push my Guardian boundary close to the extreme limits of my space, which means potentially hitting walls or sitting objects while I move around- but I've been very careful thus far and have avoided all but a few extremely minor injuries. Want to try it in my garage next, with a lot more space to move freely.

As it stands, I have two questions:

  1. Are there more complicated "tiles" available to players with larger spaces? In my bedroom I have a roughly... b-shaped space, and i primarily experience a lot of "what feels like" 1x1 corridor tiles and a few 2x2 rooms here and there. T-shapes too. I imagine if you want everyone to have a similar experience regardless of their playspace, it might go against that principle, but obviously I don't know what you have in mind.
  2. When it comes to the story and narrative later down the line, do you plan to include voice-acting? If there are, I'd love to send in an audition or few for consideration when the time is right. :>

Can't wait to play some more- everyone has said it before, but it really is incredible being able to walk around everywhere myself- and I wish you the very best!


At the moment all zones are created in the most generic way to be compatible with anything that goes. Although right now the game supports only rectangular shapes of play area. I'd love to change that at some point. In this week I plan to create the first zone that requires a larger play area. I have plenty of other ideas how to use the larger space and will be trying them out.

BTW in the options, you can adjust settings for play area, like horizontal scaling. This may make the world appear to be a bit larger. Up to 15-20% upscale should not induce motion sickness. If it does, try a lower setting. There are people who are fine with 100% - not me, though :( First I feel like skating, then it goes downhill. But the world appears much larger.

As for the narrative, yes I do plan to include voice-acting :) Send me an e-mail at and we'll discuss things there. Is it ok? :)


Sent! :>