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(1 edit) (+1)

To the Dev Team-

When I first clicked my way into Erolon: Dungeon Bound, I was honestly expecting a shallow, pay-walled experience with little to no replay value. How wrong I was. Each character is brought to life through meaningful dialogue, ensuring that every action and relationship feels as genuine as possible. The artwork is beyond stunning, with a variety of convincing character animations to further sell the mood and atmosphere.  The addicting delving gameplay and shop mechanics are fun, and act as a great buffer between long dialogue cycles. And to round it all off, you guys aren't charging a dime! No question, the experience is an easy 10/10. This game shows limitless potential in the future, with possible additions of new areas to  explore, new characters to meet and bond with, and further development of preexisting characters. 

Erolon: Dungeon Bound receives a gleaming A+++ from me. I will be eagerly awaiting future builds. 
