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Is the new included user routine for the CPC working or am I doing something wrong? I keep getting an access denied error on build. CPCDiskXP error opening the file AGDgame.bin. Do I need to change anything?

I forgot to update the build suite to copy user.asm into the relevant directory before assembling.  It will be updated in the next release, meanwhile there's a quick fix at the AGD Forum

Thanks for the reply. I've amended the batch file as instructed on the forum and seem to be getting a little further but I'm now getting the attached error.

All running now! Thank you Jonathan for the response...

Very good work, Jonathan.
I am starting a simple project and I have similar problem for Amstrad CPC
I have fixed user.asm location in build.bat in batch file but now I get this error:

I’d appreciate an answer, thank you very much.

(1 edit)

Solved! : )
The problem is the location name of AGD, AGD path "C: Amstrad AGD Framework" should be "C: AmstradAGDFramework" blank space problem. Rename directory already works ;)