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Stand Name: Eye Of The Tiger (referencing the song by Survivor)

Ability: Superhuman intuition & combat prowess

Appearance: EOTT is a suit-based Stand with a color scheme akin to the fur of a tiger's: A darker shade of orange with black, jagged stripes around the body. Like White Album, it has a sort of face protection. Its head has backward-facing spikes on the upper left and right of the head, resembling ears.

Description: A suit-based stand that gives enhanced martial prowess and superhuman intuition when equipped.

Limitations: Primarily its range. It's less durable than White Album, but much faster and lighter.


Power: B (about as strong as the claws of a tiger)

Speed: A (light and quick is its thing)

Range: C (a few centimeters longer than a normal human's arms)

Durability: D

Precision A (referring to the intuitive abilities of the Stand)

Potential: B


Tiger Claw: EOTT's fingertips are sharpened like razor-sharp claws, and the user slashes the opponent with them at a high speed.

Pounce: EOTT jumps forward suddenly and if the initial strike hits, a powerful combo begins.

Watching us All: EOTT is able to see their opponent's next actions for up to a few seconds in the future, akin to Epitaph, in a sense.

Back on the Streets: When in a pinch,  EOTT's abilities are significantly enhanced.

Stand User: Vincenzo Fiamma


Hair: Black

Eyes: Light Green

Skin: Beige

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 127 lbs.

Age: 28

Stand Obtained: Stabbed by Black Sabbath after narrowly failing the lighter challenge. He survived and joined Passione in order to get to the bottom of the gang's true motives.

Character: Fiamma was once a very skilled kickboxer named Scoppio Abbatere, known for his rush-down, yet calm fighting style. Eventually, he found out that his bosses were exploiting his popularity to make a lot of money, so he retired and went into hiding under an alias, that being his current name. He retired his gloves and only used his skills if another picked a fight. One day, a Passione member happened to see him fight, and asked him to join his gang, Passione, which he knew for selling drugs to minors. He had a feeling there was more to the gang than meets the eye, so he joined. He ended up recruiting a couple other people, who in turn recruited a few more members. The group's goal was to defeat Polpo and uncover secrets of Passione.

This is the leader of the group Cielo and Silva are a part of, links to their Stands and backstories below:

