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hey alekai!

So far, this piece seems very well balanced, especially in terms of the types of choices the player is making — which, as other playtesters have pointed out, makes it Unusually Well Balanced. The player gets to be in a position where they get to pick expressive moments as well as major plot points, instead of just seeing how their choices impact later major plot points, and you do a good job of establishing that early on. The vagueness definitely works right now too! But it’s not clear exactly how the world works yet — players may get the general idea, but if you really want them to understand the setting, that will require more exposition and/or demonstration. The demon conversation feels like a good length for now, especially as fairy tales tend to move pretty quickly past dialogue. If you want it to have a lot of later significance that will be referenced regularly though, I’d suggest extending it a bit to mirror that. I hope this is helpful, and feel free to reach out with further thoughts / questions!

- jess