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Thanks to Manly playing Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger, I found you and fell in love with your games! I could say all the praise again here, but I already said it to you once, and have nothing new to say at the moment - I'm still writing down the wonder this world of yours brings to me.
But this game is gorgeous! I'm not a horror game type of person, I'm personally too much of a scaredy cat to play them much; but this game and Albert Krueger I have been pushing myself through because of the design and story! It's what keeps me invested and going! Though I knew when jumpscares were coming, I'd still flinch. This is the sort of game that creates a nostalgia, but it's nostalgia for something you haven't ever experienced.
I check in on this page every few days to see if anything has been changed, and when you made minor changes to the music, I felt so happy about it and just ended up smiling a whole lot! Once I figure out how to update games, I'll definitely be able to keep up!
This game has a world and story that I crave for and want to be able to create myself, and thank you so so much for answering my questions before! I've kept them in mind while I work, and have began to draw ears like you as well (before, I wasn't drawing any once I found them too hard).
The characters are attractive, the mystery is... think of the story like an Easter egg hunt or trail of breadcrumbs, the most delicious crumbs ever. The tiniest taste of the story makes you want more, so you have to keep going!
Even after saying this before, I admire you're writing abilities and how you got me attached to a certain character fast, and then changed the mood entirely.
Sorry for yet another rant to you, but I look forward to the next update! Keep up the fantastic work, Dino999z! Don't work yourself too hard!