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So I played the game for a bit and I like where it's going. There are a few things I want to comment on though, as they kind of ruin the gameplay experience. First off as commented on by Lefolemi, the controls are really hard to use (But as you said, it was added in quickly so fix it and that's pretty poggers). One thing that might help as well could be giving the gun rotation? Like instead of having it fixed forward, maybe it can follow the mouse and rotate around one point.  I will say I love the effects the game has (Though the dust can be toned down a little), and overall the game is really good! I can not wait to see where this goes, and I wish you good luck with it! (Sorry this was so negative btw, no hate meant. I just want to point things out I noticed and ideas to help the game get even better ^^)

Thanks for the comment. I will improve some parts of the game