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All of you, stop saying that AJ is Marcie, he's not Marcie. I saw his screen and he can't edit any of those posts and he doesn't have the comments showing that he said it. even if all of you hate me now i will protect my friends name.

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youre about as dumb as the rest of them.

all he has to do is make a new account and then manipulate the board like he just did, or well you, but weve dealt with him on more than one occassion so we know how he works

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And your friend is what, like a whole 6 days old that just popped up out of nowhere and said he was gay?  i mean really thats all it took?

you have no idea who the hell it really is, but thats not my problem


I've only ever been on here, what other occasions TnT. And i'm not gay, i'm pan, not like you or anyone else really cares tho