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While the beginning feels like a bit of an exposition dump, I can understand where it's coming from in how the original story is told. It may work better if the information was integrated throughout the story a little bit more, though.

The choices I was making felt a little uninformed at the beginning; while I've read the book, in the context of the game, I don't know who I am or what I'm doing. Are the choices I'm making deciding who I'm going to be/who I am? I'm not entirely sure if the choices I make change what's happening. 

Overall, it felt like the majority of the story was exposition, and some portions jumped in time as well. Since the story is being told in past tense, maybe an introduction into why Victor's telling this story could go a long way in grounding it!

The negative choices - where what I thought was going to happen didn't, such as trying to call Henry but getting the answering machine - felt successful! I felt like the story was nudging me in a certain direction, but in a way that felt meaningful to Victor.

There's a bit of disparity between Victor's internal thoughts and the voice of the choices he makes. I feel like this works, however, since it's almost as if he's ignoring his subconscious and goes ahead with his work anyways.

Frankenstein's voice sounds a little formal, for having learned to speak from listening in on a modern family.

Beth's reactions to Victor telling her about Frankenstein - especially after Victor talks to her about his talk with the monster - felt a bit disconnected from what was going on. I felt like there were good hints and lead-up to the conversation immediately after - about Victor being gay - but it felt a bit sudden after what just happened with Frankenstein.

I really liked the different endings that change based on how your relationship to Henry changes! I kind of felt like there weren't huge consequences for Victor's/the creatures actions in the larger world, however.

(Sorry if my comments are a little haphazard, I wrote my thoughts out as I was playing!)