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"Do things for people, not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are." - Harold S. Kushner

a.j why did y go on there bord u just made the people come over here to bash  us

Why am i always getting blamed for homophobes and hateful people being here...the whole disc server is up my ass for being kind, I'm seriously about to lose my shit. WHAT DID I DO

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why did y go over there when they stopped bothering us is my question i mean it's not like they were going to change there mind

I srsly have only chatted on mgm, this is the only board i've been on. I have never chatted on the other games so why are you guys saying i went over "there"

(1 edit)

because they said u went over there and u said  ''i can go on there board if i want to'' instead of saying i did not go on there board so why now are u saying that u have not i dont understand?BUTTTTTT i went through you mesages and u have not been on there so i believe you 

Oh i said that cos serpent rose kept telling me i was going over there and i told her i wasn't, yet she kept saying i was so i told her i could do whatever i wanted, I didn't actually mean i went over there and thx for understanding

ok cool and np

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Again, you are lying to them.  Why dont you fucking tell them your other IDs or stfu?

whats the id then

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Going to our board and trying to bash us, going to other boards and degrading Dev because they wont give you access to free games, just to name a few.

Then come here and hide behind everyone when things get a little too hard for you to handle.