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Hi all, It's been over a week since my last update and within that time a lot has happened.

The game saw it's first playable build last week and today I have launched an updated version of the build which iterates on feedback I gathered from the first build. You can find the latest build here:

My college held an internal playtest today where I got to play some great looking games and have other people play my own game. Thanks to their effort I gathered some great feedback and have gotten to work on compiling the feedback and deciding where to go from here.

I have gotten to work on creating a game design document for an assignment, here is a small preview of what I have so far;

There is a lot more to it than just this which will be shown in the near future!

I have also finally created a twitter for the game which you can follow at:

You will find more updates on the twitter related to the game a long with cool screenshots I manage to gather as I develop the game.

That is all for now, hopefully I will have some even more exciting news in the near future to share. As always, thank you for reading and stay tuned for more!