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it not that long and there are 4 routes if i remember but right now there only 2 days per routes

Well, I downloaded it and it only lasted the first day, did I do something wrong?

It could be possible that only the "Walk left then go back"(or Rask I think) route is released? If I remember correctly, the "Walk right" to the auditorium only lasts until lunch time ends, and Maccon's route also only lasts one day.

LOL sorry, Tom shows up for Rask's route so I wasn't sure. Thought it might be possible to switch midway so I just went with the option choices.

ahh im sorry there only 2 routes that have day 2


Rask and john has two days... Right??

And mac and tom only ladted for 1 day

Or im dum .__.


well Mac lasts for day, Tom for like few hours

what a difference ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)