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what it's like to live in where i do

Breaks are spent at the park near the YMCA because there's nowhere else to go 

Coolest places to hang out are the park near the YMCA, timmies (tim hortons), the timmies parking lot (the one near my house, the other one doesn't have a parking lot), and Walmart yes. Walmart, im going after school with my friends tomorrow 

There are 7+ pizza places 2 Chinese places a subway (sandwich not train) 2 shwarma places 3+ generic restaurants 4+fast food places 2 tim hortons a Starbucks BUT NOT ONE FUCKING ICE CREAM PLACE NONE OUR ICE CREAM PLACE CLOSED BECAUSE THE OWNERS GOT DIVORCED (my brother knew the kid who's parents ran it) 

Drug addicted 13 year olds who steal shopping carts from the giant tiger (grocery store) and bring them to a skate park 

No hotels, like n o n e 

Sketchy ass corner stores who have novelty p*nis bottle openers 

Several scandals involving the cops in the first few weeks of school 

A different sketchy ass corner store that sells weed (prolly to kids) with a giant poster for bongs outside the store

Flooding, insane ass flooding in the spring, i mean like spending hours filling up sandbags and having a smol creek running through my backyard 

Literally only two English schools, the rest are all french catholic schools 

Having NOWHERE to do your community service hours

The end lmao

oof lmao