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i would be honerd to have you do it can i catch you in a google meet?

Deleted 1 year ago

how do i do privit messages on itch?

Deleted 1 year ago

actuly can you open the meet?


Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

soo i cannot meet so ill give you the details

i want this to ba a percidral game with infinate levels if you want to just double the pixel count on each piece of art you can do that but please keep the original design with better detail next the maths 

evry level the ratio betwen the total block sreangth and the enemys will get harder and when it reches 1 then increce the enemy count if a desmal round up and add a level counter to make player stitistics and a leaderboard  so it will start with 1 enimy and 2 total  block strength and if is was solved qickly increce the ratio by more than if it where solved slowly so that new players can advance rapidly and if a level is hard then less change so that learning can take place and it can be fun and increace logic skills


Deleted 1 year ago
(4 edits)

ifinate push limit 

no moving during the raid

random 0-half of the number of enemys

more ememys

move in a grid

yes steps

(sory for not responding soon the notifications in itch are very behid for me) (and sleep)

(if you can make this app all purcheses are free exept the skin you keep all revitue)

and one more thing not in the vidio all enimys will have a overlay to show that that is a posible spawning aria  while the building is taking place and no blocks can be put right on this transparent overlay 

i will try and make the game too here is the first update