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I'm 15, but I still hate being bullied. At least if it was irl, you could tell someone, and they'd punish you, but we can't,  because you are assholes.

op- im sorry wait imma asshole?

I meant the evil homophobics

oof you sent it to me instead lol, also i have a plan are you a boy or gir?

I just getc so angry whenever thinking about em that I forget to change it before hand if I'm talking to freinds

oh ok- are you a girl or boy btw ?

I am a boy

oof sorry its a girls thing unless you wanna do it, but ill tel you what we are up to

no, it's fine. I understand, I'd just ruin it

nuh uh your part of the troop, you have the right toy know if ya want but ok