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(1 edit) (+1)

Quick thing. If you're here just to say rude stuff. You can go cry to your mommy bc news flash! nobody cares about your fucking stupid opinions! Get the fuck out and go find some other place to be bitches in. Or go fuck yourself while you're at it. Stop trying to feel better about your sad pathetic little lives by being pricks to other people KAREN. (or KEVIN)

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Relax 😊

We both know you are just a tard here posting your gay things so the rest of your little loser buddie club can come feel special.

And we aint Karen (or Kevin) btw.

hehehehhehe shut up. If you think I give 2 shits about your opinion think again. Get the fuck out and go be your pathetic selves somewhere else.

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Go back to drawing your faggoty cartoons, nub.

And get some new material or sit down, bitch.

Go back to doing nothing with your useless life loser

and find something else to do other than be a bitch or just do nothing hoe. 😄

(1 edit)

bro shut up not anxiety go off anxiety

what is with you guys against gay people for one I'm gay so kind of offensive